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Pastor Grinstead preached a series of messages at Greater Heights Baptist Church on “Soul Ties”.  It has been a tremendous help to people and has been requested to be made available for purchase.  If you are interested in this 9 CD set please contact Micah Fauscett at mfauscett@ghbcc.org or Rebecca Scott at rscott@ghbcc.org.

This series is also available on our vimeo page, Soul Ties Message Videos


The Messages Include:

Part 1: Introduction to Soul Ties
Part 2: Torn Between Two Lovers
Part 3: Severing the Soul Tie
Part 4: Victory Over UnHealthy Soul Ties
Part 5: Nurturing Natural Soul Ties
Part 6: Fixing Broken Vessels
Part 7: Scriptural Power Over Soul Ties
Part 8: Joy of Being Loosed
Part 9: Danger of Fornication