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5 Things to Remember While on Vacation

As we approach the vacation season, I encourage you to take a vacation. I encourage you to do what you can to get away from the stress for a few days, but let me also encourage you to take a good vacation: 
1. Really rest. Don’t pack your time away with so much activity that you are worn out when you get home.
2. Stick to your budget. Don’t create more stress by taking a vacation on credit. Debt will rob you of the enjoyment. Don’t rob God to go on vacation. If we rob Him, we are really cheating ourselves. 
3. Take a vacation with Jesus, not from Jesus. While you are away, stay in His word, spend quiet time in prayer, and have family devotions. Keep your standards. Don’t watch or do things that you normally would not watch or do. 
4. Laugh a lot! Laugh on purpose. Laugh at yourself.
 5. When you get back from vacation, come back home to church. Don’t get in the habit of missing church.

I’ll close with one last challenge. Tell someone about Jesus. Do not be afraid to share your faith. Its funny, but true – I have found it easier to witness when I’m in another town. Knowing we may not see them again seems to take away some of the fear factor. 

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